Meet the team – Tom Painter

Hi there, my name is Tom Painter and I'm a 21 year old masters student at Leeds Beckett University, studying strategic sports marketing. Prior to my masters, I also picked up a degree as an undergraduate at Leeds Beckett University. Sport and media have both played a huge role for me from an early age,... Continue Reading →

Meet the Team – Cameron Foster

Welcome to my Blog and WordPress Account! Hi, I'm Cameron and I'm 21 years old. I am currently undertaking my Masters Degree in Strategic Sports Marketing at Leeds Beckett University having recently graduated with a First Class Honours in Sports Business Management for my Undergraduate Degree from the same University. I was born and raised... Continue Reading →

Meet the Team – Taj

Hi guys, my name is Tajvir Bedesha but commonly known as Taj. I am 23 years old currently studying MSc Strategic Sport Marketing at Leeds Beckett University. My aims and objectives are to run a successful Gym and Fitness business, where my passion for fitness and health has enabled to me reach further heights in... Continue Reading →

Meet The Team – Jacin Smith

My name is Jacin Smith. I am originally from the United States and I decided to come to Leeds Beckett to get a masters because I wanted to do something different. Plus, I have never left the country before so I figured no better time to do it than during a pandemic. I have experience... Continue Reading →

Meet The Team – Owyn

Name - Owyn Tong-Jones Age - 22 About Me I am currently a postgraduate student athlete at Leeds Beckett University studying Strategic Sport Marketing. Alongside my studies I am working for the Barmy Army as a Digital Marketing Executive as well as continuing my athletic pursuit to become a professional cricketer. Outside of my studies... Continue Reading →

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